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  2. Guests Management
  3. Registration Form and Conditional Logic

Does Eventboost manage Conditional Logic Questions (Logic Jumps)?

Setting up conditional logic questions that helps make registration forms simpler and easier to fill out by hiding questions that are not relevant to specific answers.

Yes! Eventboost allows you to configure a registration form that contains conditional fields easily. A Conditional Field is a field that is hidden from the registration page by default, and become visible when a particular answer to a specific question is given. You can add a conditional rule to individual fields or groups of fields.

We also call this feature "Logic Jump" as it allows you to create customized paths through your registration page based on the answer provided by each guest. Eventboost enables you to add unlimited conditional rules to develop smart and articulated registration forms.


Check-out the article below to learn how to apply Conditional Logic Questions and enable Logic Jumps: How can I create conditional logic forms


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