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  2. Guests Management
  3. Registration Form and Conditional Logic

Enabling guests to confirm their participation with a single-click process

Learn how Eventboost allows you to configure a registration flow that automatically registers guests with a single click on their invitation email

If you don't need to collect new guests' information during the registration process, the Eventboost platform allows you to configure an intuitive and friendly experience that makes the event registration fast and incredibly smooth.

Please note: this single-step registration process works for one-day and one-session events only. If your event has multiple days and/or multiple sessions, guests will be asked to select sessions they want to register for.

How can I set this up?

Go to the "Event Page" tab and open the "Manage registration" section. Scroll down until "Other options" and check "Don't use Event Page for registration". This way, guests will be able to skip the registration page and register directly by clicking the button in the invitation email.

Note: don't choose this option if participants need to update their registration, register accompanying partners, provide further details, or register for different dates and sessions. 


How does the guest's registration experience look like?

The quick video below shows how guests would be automatically registered upon clicking the button on the invitation email. As soon they register, Eventboost will send the confirmation email you have set up in the Communication dashboard. 

Remember, guests will register via email; therefore, the event page won't be used in this registration process unless cancellations are allowed for the event. In that case, you would need to configure the event page layout. 


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