Adding fields to my event

Learn how can you add fields to your event (manually or using an excel spreadsheet).

Eventboost allows you to add fields to your event to upload information about your guests or collect data during the registration phase. There are two ways to add fields to the system:

  1. Manually through the Manage Fields dashboard
  2. Via Excel file

Add Fields Manually

To add fields manually, go to the Manage Guests tab, then click the gray Manage Fields button on the top-right of the page. You can then add fields to the event by clicking the "Add field to list" button. During this process, you can:

  • configure the field name (what appears on the platform backend),
  • select the field type (Text, Single or Multiple Choice, Date, QR Code, File Upload, List of Countries),
  • add at this time the field values* if you are creating a Single or a Multiple Choice field,
  • choose the fields position on the platform's backend,
  • change the field label to visualize different verbiage on the registration page
  • add the field's label in different languages when running events with multilingual options active

*Check at the link below how to create a Single Choice field type - How do I create a Single Choice Field?



Add Fields using an Excel spreadsheet

Eventboost allows you to upload through the Invitee List slot (under Manage Guests) an Excel spreadsheet that contains in the first row just the fields you want to add. You cannot append new fields to the platform via Excel file but only overwrite the spreadsheet previously uploaded. However, once you have uploaded the Excel spreadsheet, you can keep adding new fields manually as explained above (Add fields manually).

To add fields using an Excel file, you need to work on your spreadsheet first and make sure that the file matches the supported structure.

1. Use the first row (or the column headers) of your Excel file to enter fields (start from Cell A1).

2. Use different columns for each of your fields.

3. First Name (or Name), Last Name (or Surname) are mandatory fields. If you are planning to send email messages, it is essential to add the Email field (Email or Email Address) at this stage. However, you can add it manually or by overwriting a new excel file later on.

4. Continue adding fields until the Excel file is ready for the upload. Remember - if you are uploading Single Choice or Date fields type, you need to ensure the correct label formatting*.

*Check these articles to learn how to format Single Choice or Date fields correctly.

How do I create a Single Choice Field? - How do I create a Date field?



5. When you file is saved and ready to be uploaded:

  • Go to the Manage Guests tab and click the Invitee List slot
  • Check the box to declare to have permission to use all personal data in the contact file
  • Click the gray Browse button to search the file in your computer
  • Select the Excel file containing the fields you want to add to the platform and then click Open (Eventboost accepts .xls and .xlsx file only)
  • Click the blue Upload button to import the file to the platform
  • At the end of the import, Eventboost will show a window with the results of the import process. Otherwise, the system will warn in case of errors during the import process


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